Pressure Transmitters / Huba Type 506 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -0.5 ... 7 bar / 0 ... 10 – 60 bar)

Huba Type 506 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -0.5 ... 7 bar / 0 ... 10 – 60 bar)

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Pressure range -0.5 ... 7 bar / 0 ... 10 – 60 bar


Type 506 pressure transmitters are suitable for different applications in the field of industrial refrigeration due to it’s application specific pressure connections. Partially automated manufacturing allows the efficient production of large quantities, resulting in an excellent price / performance ratio

Name product : Huba Type 506 Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range -0.5 ... 7 bar / 0 ... 10 – 60 bar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15