Differential Pressure Sensors / Huba Type 692 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 25 bar)

Huba Type 692 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 25 bar)

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Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 25 bar


Type 692 pressure transmitters have a unique, well proven ceramic technolgy. There are variety of pressure and electrical connections available, together with several standardised output signals. The wide variety of options makes these transmitters ideal for applications across a broad spectrum of industries.

Name product : Huba Type 692 Differential Pressure Transmitter (Pressure range 0 ... 0.1 – 25 bar)

ŞİMDİ ARAYIN: +90 (533) 316 40 15